Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thing #21

I don't like this whole Ning thing. I can't figure out how to use any widgets on my blog, and I don't really want to comment on someone's page that is only doing it for the 23 things. I don't feel like it's easy to maneuver or do I see what the point of it is.
I am a member of GoodReads, but about a week after I signed up for it, I didn't go to the site anymore. I only have so much time.
I get kind of burnt out on social networking. I don't want to be "networking" allll the time. I am a little tired of this whole "everyone is so special" phase the whole world is in right now. Whatever happened to anonymity of the common man/woman?
I also joined Crafter a million years ago but forgot about it. Sometimes I like doing crafts more than reading about them. But lately I've been watching Vincent Price movies on the couch with my dog and bf.The woman that started Craftster is a great Boston craft supporter. She started a store-Magpie. The first store to ever take my zines for consignment.
I am all full up on social networking lately, so probably won't take too much time on these sites. Social networking sites are like food obsessions for me-they're all I can think about for about 2 weeks, then drop them and forget them completely. When someone mentions them, I look back on my time spent on them nostalgically, but don't intend to make them my stomping grounds again.
Do you know what I will always be devoted to? Positively 3rd St. Bakery's cookies and bread. Yum.

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