Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thing #14

I forgot to say in my last post how much I love the word "widget". I think that might make it onto my next Likes/Dislikes zine, in production at the moment. It just sounds like a cute cuddly animal. I once read this book in elementary school called the Aminal and it was like a furry sunball. I bet in this age of electronics, it could get away with being called Widget.
I am an old hand at LibraryThing. I've cataloged over 1,000 books and zines for the Bat Annex Free School Library. I am also helping out the Stevens Square Center for the Arts Zine Library by doing some cataloging for them.
Our entire book and zine collection is cataloged in LibraryThing. Well it is not all cataloged, but it will be one day. What I meant by that is that it's our only form of cataloging and keeping track of what we have. It would be nice if the Belfry had a computer so people could search for specific things while they were at the Belfry, but I guess for now people will have to search from home.
Here's our page if you're interested:

I like that people can send messages, be friends and add to "interesting libraries". It makes me feel good that people are seeing and appreciating my extensive cataloging. I like that you can look up books through a variety of places, including Amazon and LC. I also like that they just added a section in the tags to add more authors. Before you could only add how many would fit. Now it seems you can add into eternity. I also like that you can add your book covers, but for us zine libraries, that's going to mean a lot of scanning.
I just got a message from a woman who was stoked to see her zine listed in our library.
I really like LibraryThing. I like that it's free and whoever writes the directions is funny and fun.
I've tried adding two of those "search our catalog from our blog" functions to our Myspace blog, but they've never worked.
I also have an account on Good Reads, but the novelty wore off quick.

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