Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thing #15

Second Life is CREEEPY! There was a good article-"Same Shit, Different Life" in the current Bitch about Second Life and sexuality. They made some good points-that people are just as racist and sexist in this virtual "utopia" but it is more easily avoided if you just pretend to be skinny, white and either a sexy lady or a white man. It went on to talk about the rampant sex parties in Second Life and how it's really just an extended version of the meatmarket. They also talked about how people are forming relationships and sometimes marrying people in Second Life that they've never actually met in First Life. Maybe they should call it Life 2.0. I don't know.
I like the first life just fine. I think it's weird people are making all this money off selling fake things.
I generally hate gaming. I think it is a waste of time and kind of pathetic.
I was once at my cabin. We ventured into town so I could go to the library to look up someone's phone number or send them an email to tell them to stop by, since we did't have contact with the outside world. I had to spend a long time waiting to use the computer in the library while these kids played some boring online game where you paint someone's fingernails. Wouldn't it have been more fun to paint your own fingernails in the analog world? And since they had signed up for an alotted amount of time, it was really theirs to do with as they pleased.
I guess gaming is no different than looking at porn at the library. I mean, they're both wasting time.
Although, as a kid I really liked "gaming" which we never called it then. I loved Number Munchers (the only way to make math fun) and Oregon Trail and Where in the World Is Carmen Sandeigo? I learned how not to get cholera, where Zimbabwe was, and about multiplying.
Why are pirates so popular these days? Along with zombies and robots and werewolves. Maybe they were always popular. I just got a DVD set featuring a movie from the 80s about a "maggot-spewing zombie doctor" that lives in the basement. See? Zombies were popular then, too.
This Pirate thing sure does take a while to load.
Who talks on the pirate thing? I like all the pirate lingo, but was I talking to a real pirate or just a computer? I didn't like bilging all that much. I wish I could have chose to do what I wanted to do instead of working my way up to it. I also wish I would have somehow earned enough money to buy a dog companion.

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